
List your NFTs on the market for options writing and earn the premiums.

Why would I sell NFT call options?

By selling call options, you just promise to sell their NFTs at a specified price in the future. And the specified price is usually higher than the current floor price. If the market price rises above the specified price on the expiration date, your NFTs will be sold to the options buyers, otherwise, you can receive passive income from the sold options.

How do I sell NFT options?

Browse to the "Sell" section and choose an NFT in your wallet for the options selling.

Then press "Deposit" button to list your NFT on the option market. Note that an additional approval transaction will be required when you deposit NFTs.

When a buyer opens a call option on your deposited NFT, they need to pay a small premium to you. The option premium is higher for NFT collections with higher floor price volatility in the recent past. And it is also related to the strike price and expiration date. Please see how NFTCall prices an option.

NFTCall uses NFT floor prices as strike price reference, and when opening a call option, there are only a few notches of prices that can be used as strike price. And the gap between the strike price and the floor price is allowed to be set to 0%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +50%, and +100%.

The same goes for the expiration date, it can be set to 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days later.

You can set options preference for each listed NFTs including the minimum strike price gap (increase), minimum strike price and maximum expiration duration before depositing. See the explanation about these parameters.

Once the transaction is submitted, NFTCall will mint an option contract (callToken) for the buyer with specified conditions (strike price and expiration date) and lock your NFT.

How can I withdraw my NFTs?

You can withdraw your deposited NFTs at any time as long as your NFTs are not locked by the ongoing options contract, just jump into the "Deposited" Tab and click the "Withdraw" button on the NFT card.

What happens when the sold options get exercised?

Before the expiration date, options holders can choose whether to exercise the option at the strike price. If they don't, the options contract becomes worthless and unlocks the underlying NFT. If they choose to exercise, the holder needs to pay you ETH equivalent to the strike price, and the trade completes with the transfer of the underlying NFT's ownership to the buyer.

How much will I earn?

Your income consists of two parts, denominated in ETH, one from the option premium and the other from the strike price paid by the options buyer when the option is exercised.

Therefore, how much you will earn depends on the amount of options sold and total premium paid by the buyers. Notice that the NFTCall protocol will charges 10% of the option premium as a protocol fee, which means that when an option trade is made, you receives the other 90% of the option premium.

And it also depends on at what strike price your NFTs get sold when the option is exercised. You can check the claimable earnings and accrued earnings in the "Sell" section.

How do I claim my earnings?

Press "Claim" button in the "Sell" section or just browse to the "Claim" section and choose an NFT collection that you have earnings to withdraw ETH.

How do I adjust the options selling config?

You can also set these parameters after depositing your NFTs, just jump into the "Deposited" Tab and click the "Config" Icon button on the NFT card.

If you don't want to your NFTs listed on the market for the options selling, you can toggle off the "List on Market" option in the "Options selling config" dialog at any time as long as your NFTs are not locked by the ongoing options contracts.

How can I check the history of sold NFTs?

In the "Sell" section, jump to "NFTs Sold" tab, all NFTs you sold will be listed here.

How can I check the history of sold options?

In the "Sell" section, jump to "Options Sold" tab, all options you sold will be listed here.

How can I perform batch operations?

In the "Sell" section, first you need to select the NFTs you'd like to deposit, withdraw or modify settings, then click the the corresponding buttons to perform actions.

In the pop-up dialog, you can modify settings for each NFTs you selected separately or together, but notice that you can only perform batch operations by NFT collection.

"Batch Deposit" action will require an additional approval transaction where you set approvals for all NFTs in the collection.

Last updated